Fire protection in the Christmas season

Unattended fires: Unattended
, open fires are undoubtedly the biggest problem. A candle is quickly forgotten or simply not considered to be that dangerous.

Combustible objects too close to the fire:
Unfortunately, many people consider a small candle to be of little danger. Many think that this small flame can do little harm. But the fire should not be underestimated. The flame becomes very hot and can ignite flammable objects even if they are not in direct contact.

Dry Christmas tree:
A dry Christmas tree does not burn slowly, but rather explosively. A whole tree can burn up within half a minute. Anything flammable nearby will no doubt catch fire as well. This applies in particular to curtains, carpets and pieces of furniture such as a sofa.

Inadmissible chain of lights: n
So-called chain of lights are very popular. More and more people are trying to decorate their house or apartment in an eye-catching way. Of course, the fairy lights look great, but they also represent a source of danger. Especially if they are older and do not have a current seal of approval.

Yes, pets are a real hazard. For example, the little animals can knock over a Christmas tree with candles at any time. But the fairy lights mentioned are also very dangerous.

Using candles:
Sure, the Advent wreath actually requires that candles are not used safely. With candles, care should generally be taken to ensure that they are only used on a non-combustible surface. For example, this could be a plate-like base or simply a candlestick.

What if there’s a fire?
Whether at home or at work, a fire can always break out. Making sure this doesn’t happen in the first place is of course the best way. It is even better to make provisions for emergencies and therefore you should also know what to do in the event of a fire.

Have water ready:
If you use candles at Christmas time, you should always try to have water nearby. If you follow the first tip and don’t leave candles unattended, you usually have enough time to put out a small fire. To do this, however, water must be nearby or another extinguishing agent.

Fire extinguisher:
Of course, a fire extinguisher is even more effective and safer than water. One is easy to use and since the device is made for exactly that, it usually just works better. Since nobody is safe from a fire, a fire extinguisher also makes sense at home.

Fire blanket:
Another alternative for fire protection during the Christmas season is the fire blanket. A fire blanket is not suitable for larger objects such as the Christmas tree. For smaller things, such as the Advent wreath, it is well suited.

Smoke detector:
In the event of a fire, it is important to detect it as quickly as possible. Most serious accidents happen at night while residents are asleep and unaware of the fire. A smoke detector ensures that a fire is detected.

Fire brigade:
If you actually notice a fire too late, the fire brigade must of course be alerted immediately. The number 112 applies for emergency calls.