More women for the local army

There are currently only three active women in the Dollbergen volunteer fire brigade. Unfortunately, this is exactly within the range that sees an average of only seven to ten percent of women nationwide. In some fire departments in the municipal area there are no female members at all, Dollbergen is still doing relatively well there, especially since one or the other girl could possibly move up from the ranks of the youth fire brigade in the future.
The local fire chief would also have liked to increase the quota:
“ Women are very welcome in the Dollberger Wehr !“

The tasks and requirements for exercises and deployment are the same for women and men. Therefore, male and female members are treated equally. The only differences were noticed in the sanitary facilities and separate changing rooms, said Pia R., who recently (2013) joined the volunteers. There is acceptance among each other, but also a rough and cordial tone, she said.

What can the local defense in Dollbergen offer?

A brand new fire station, an extra changing room with your own locker and turnout gear, separate showers and sanitary facilities. Parking space in front of the tool shed, a place in the emergency team and in the emergency vehicle, trusting comradeship, both on the job and in your free time.

If you are interested, you can visit a training service without obligation. Time is taken for the candidates, everything is explained and questions are answered. Doesn’t sound any different than advertising for male applicants, does it?

What does a firefighter have to be able to do?

Interested women over the age of 18 should be willing to do something extremely meaningful with their free time. Anyone who wants to keep fit is of course in good hands with the fire brigade. But brains are also required, because extensive knowledge is imparted during the training. Technology enthusiasts can live it up just as much as communicatively talented candidates. A helper syndrome is even an advantage in this activity. And with the necessary training, everyone involved in the team is able to actually help.

Follow tradition

Women and men have strengths and weaknesses – it is the task of the respective group leader to use these best. There have been women in the Dollbergen volunteer fire brigade for 25 years (since 1985). Today, women are fully accepted in the fire brigade and active service is unimaginable without them.

Do you keep an overview even under stress, are you tough and able to do different tasks at the same time? Then you’ve come to the right place in the fire brigade association!
Do you want to be part of the team too? Just come by and pass on the love.