
Responsible site operator:

Andreas Völcker
Sandkamp 1
31311 Uetze

On behalf of:
Fire Department Dollbergen
Bahnhofstraße 41
31311 Uetze – Dollbergen

Telephone: 0 51 77 / 98 69 94
Fax: 0 51 77 / 98 69 95

Internet address:
E-mail address: admin [at] jf-dollbergen [dot] de

Duplications of any kind of the contents of this website are only permitted with the express consent of the site operator.

Note on all references / external links:
The site operator of is not responsible for the content of external websites that can be accessed via a link from this website. This declaration also applies to references that are made by site users themselves via the forum and/or the guest book and do not relate to this website.

The contributions and content on are carefully researched. No liability is assumed for the correctness of the information and content provided.

Data protection:
On this website nobody is forced to hand over personal data to me/us as the operator of this website. If these are given, then this is done voluntarily. In general, data from this website is not passed on to third parties, but is only used internally for statistical purposes. Every registered user of this website has the option of either deleting data that has already been submitted or he/she can commission me/us as the operator of this website to delete his/her data or his/her user account.

Automatic storage of page accesses:
Each time this website is accessed, the IP address, the browser used, the file accessed or requested together with the time of access is automatically stored in a server log and kept within the statutory period. After this period, the access data will be deleted from this server log. This data is evaluated anonymously in order to be able to create an overview of page views. This overview is for internal, statistical purposes only.