8 tips for a safe New Year’s Eve
The German Fire Brigade Association gives the following eight tips for a safe New Year’s Eve celebration:

Firecrackers and rockets are „explosives“. Do not allow young people under the age of 18 to handle it.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. With a few exceptions, the use of fireworks in closed rooms is prohibited.

Only set off fireworks where permitted. The burning of firecrackers in the immediate vicinity of churches, hospitals, children’s and old people’s homes is prohibited. This ban also applies to half-timbered and thatched roof houses. Observe local regulations!

After lighting, keep a sufficient safety distance. Don’t throw away firecrackers and rockets blindly – and never aim them at people. Never re-ignite unlit fireworks (duds).

Don’t make your own fireworks. This can lead to serious injuries! Items that are released for sale in Germany on New Year’s Eve must have a BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing) test number.

Store fireworks in such a way that they cannot spontaneously ignite. Never carry fireworks on your body, for example in a jacket or trouser pocket.

Protect your home from fire hazards on New Year’s Eve. Remove furniture, household effects and other flammable objects from balconies and terraces. Keep windows and doors closed.

In the event of a fire or accident, dial the emergency number 112 immediately. Only a quick report can guarantee effective help from the fire brigade and rescue service.

The fire brigades wish the people in Germany a peaceful and safe turn of the year!